Categories and tags for blog posts

Categories and tags for blog posts

Lesson Details:
March 09, 2020

Video Transcription : One thing I want to mention is you see this when we have posts let's see any post right let's say edit we have this thing here called tags and we have categories right now it's a this is a fresh WordPress install so you don't have any but let me explain to you what these are categories are ways to sort of struck structure things kind of like organized things for example since this is going to be like maybe the side that I'm creating complete break out it's going to be something like you know it's gonna be like social slash political do-gooder kind of a society right so what is gonna happen is you know what do you what am I gonna talk about probably I'm gonna talk about the environment probably I'm gonna talk about social good right those could be categories in my business website I'm glowing start calm I actually have categories like you know it's about business so I have a category called business planning entrepreneurship marketing things like that so tags are a way to sort of like get deeper into the categories in a way and it's less used if not totally required and we'll get into it maybe later if we're gonna find it necessary for our blog but generally categories are good I'm going to add a new category like environment environment yeah no parent category yeah so let's add that and okay it's their social good you're gonna have that category maybe animal rights right that's very important things like that right and as we create posts we can tag post so that later if we wanted to find all posts about let's say anymore right so we can just click on that category and you'll be able to find that and then now when we when we create a post so now when we create a post we can add categories for example let's go to all posts and let's go to that original post and edit it and we can just basically check you know it's we don't know what it's gonna be lit it's gonna be social good and we can update that and it's gonna appear in that category so now we can categorize our blog post and that's essentially it here right um there's a lot later as we add to the site there's a lot we're gonna be able to do with blog posts we can maybe add podcast episodes follow those things like that but for now this is just the basics right and you can see that we are sort of kind of live and ready to go because we are already making blog posts I mean these posts are dummy posts I don't have a lot to say it right now but if you did certainly like let's say you use you're selling your product you could start just talking about this product right here already like oh this is a great product you can link to it and then you know there you go so and we will get to all that in a little bit when I talk about how to make a you know kind of a full post with rich rig with rich content but for now this is really the basics of creating posts and creating pages.

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