How Page Speed Affects SEO & Google Rankings

Different perspectives and benefits from page load speed with users & Google SEO

Lesson Details:
April 24, 2020

Video Transcription: Let's talk about different perspectives on page loads load speed this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy. this is how Google sees it and it's how your users see it there's multiple ways to consider it and there's multiple consequences from each way to look at it so for users what does this represent first of all your users they don't care technically about how your site loads because all they see in the beginning is that the top part loads which is called above the fold that the load speed that they first start working with and they start reading and before they scroll they get a couple of extra seconds before everything else on your site loads so for for the users the experience is a little differently is a little different and as long as it only takes a second or two or three that's really what you should aim for for your top of the fold to render then your engagement user engagement dramatically increases and that directly for you means that they do more on your site they browse more less of them quit your site less of them get frustrated and it translates directly to whatever you need your visitors to do for most people it's sales in some form or they contact you whatever you need them to do that will dramatically increase if your top you know you're above the fold content renders within at most three seconds now this has indirect impact for your SEO because in the indirect part is that the more people come to your site and the more they actually interact with it that's a signal to Google that hey this is a quality site let's rank it higher people who search like this site but your user engagement is only an indirect metric for SEO for Google would they care about and what the direct what has direct impact on your SEO is their technical measurement from you know there are technical instances of like starting with your network speed to when your browser first starts rendering to the very end of your browser starting to render and the difference between starting to render and the different and the ending to render they have it measured down to a millisecond and also it's very important that it's below five seconds and the faster you can get that to work the better so for google they measure load the differently and their measurement that's the direct SEO impact and your user engagement that's the indirect SEO impact if the users stay on your site and use the site more of course the site will rank higher now for you also you should understand that there are some things that they seem like they're taking a while to load but some things are synchronous which means that it's it's almost like linear your site site elements right you know render one by one by one by one and there are many of them that are asynchronous and when they're asynchronous if something is taking a while to load let's say like one process takes like five seconds well it doesn't stop the rest of the page from keep from loading so that five second process doesn't really impact the load speed because maybe the rest of the page takes also five seconds so it doesn't really matter so if the differences in items loading you know if synchronous loading versus asynchronous loading also impacts your overall load speed this is getting a little technical and later in the in the course we'll get into profiling with your processes for now it's a little early for now this is a little technical and it sounds so important that it's okay if the content below the phone takes a little longer for your users Google of course measures this more technically there are also some HTML specifications that modern browsers use that you should be aware of we're gonna cover them later in more details so Dom content loaded is essentially when your entire HTML is loaded but your images and style sheets are not yet loaded and unload load means that everything has loaded and of course their Google measures the difference between that we'll get into it and of course even sometimes more outside of your control our network issues so if you have a cheap hosting service that you did you decided.

I'm only gonna pay three dollars or two dollars a month because it's cheap well it's costing you because very likely they're not the best and fastest so you your site loading times may be affected because of your hosting this is outside of your this is outside of this course content because obviously it has to do with hosting providers but this also can be an issue for you and it's something you cannot fix with your website it's just something that you maybe have to buy a more advanced package from your hosting provider something that will ensure that that you just get more resources from your hosting provider so your site can load quicker that's something that's very easy to fix the only what I would recommend that you do is you directly email your support of your hosting and ask them if there's an option for getting a different hosting package maybe an upgrade to your hosting to see if you can have your site load faster and they can tell you what you can buy extra to maybe increase your site load speed and that's a very easy win I mean you have to pay more probably but you don't have to do almost anything and it's pretty quick and your site might be loading much faster just from buying better hosting so these are the considerations and let's just move forward in the course and we'll get into more of these issues in more detail.

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