Tips to sell products

Tips to sell products

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: Hi there in this video we're gonna talk about how to sell products online offline even on Mars but not on Mars but online and offline and I'll be planning this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy so let's talk about offline first because there's less of a scope it's easier to cover and then we'll talk about a lot of online strategies in a little bit so ah the most coveted thing people usually have is you know they want to sell in some retail locations for example if you have a food product you want to sell in big grocery stores right you want big grocery stores to carry that if you have some clothing you want boutiques to carry that right if even if you sell a book if you brought a book you would like some book stores to sell your book right so you want actual real stores to carry your product the challenge is that if a story is big like a big supermarket then if you are not if you are an unknown brand they're gonna give you a bad deal in which you might actually lose some money it happened I know some people to whom it's happen because they have all the leverage right you you you're gonna feel lucky that you even got to the store so you're not gonna get a great deal and you're not gonna have a lot of bargaining power because you're not an old brand on the other hand if you sell from a small store there's just not enough shelf space right they're not gonna really carry a whole lot of your product they're not gonna be able to sell there's not that many customers so you're not really gonna make tremendous amount of money unless you solve many many many stores little ones but then it's a management nightmare okay so is it it's it's it's nice but it has its challenges definitely right so you can sell more on your own right whatever you have you can maybe set up a cart maybe you can tell that a flea market you can even you know sell from hosts you know put on your own events a regular event series it may be some do some workshops and sell your product there so that you have your own sort of regular leads so those are the kind of offline strategies that and typically make sense you know depending on what your product really is now let's talk about online strategies because there are plenty of those and there's more potential for scale because offline we don't really get that many people but online there's millions and millions and billions of people so many people first of all they think of you know creating a website and selling from there and of course doing some SEO and hoping that shoppers would come and that's fine we'll touch on that but there are already many many many shoppers on sites like eBay comm fab comm shopping calm and many many such other websites right so why not sell your product from there if it was me well I from for my books I sell it we're on the number one commerce place for books Amazon that's the number one store for books where do I sell my courses on udemy number one place for courses right where do I sell my apps in the mobile app stores number one place to sell apps you should do the same whatever whatever the commerce platform for your particular product maybe sell there that's where all the shoppers are there's gonna be more shoppers and you'll be able to get on your website by a tremendous number a factor right by just it would be 9 a day like orders and orders of magnitude wherever you sell your website Amazon anything else you've got to write good sales copy right you've got to actually sell that thing and we'll have a video there is a video in this course on how to sell so we'll cover that you will be good at that so ok again wherever you are let's say you're an Amazon or something else you gotta work to get good reviews on that platform because good reviews right people like it it tells the new buyers that hey this is a good product bad reviews does the new buyers don't buy right so bad the new skill sales good reviews help sales and your job is to make your product as good as possible so that people will love your product and want to give you good reviews and you want to influence that as well as far as you can with in terms of service on which side you're on you know what episode whatever the terms of service off like whatever you can do that's within that you should certainly influence getting good reviews rather than bad ones as far as you can within again the Terms of Service of that site okay now there are some benefits of doing SEO for your website you can create many pages are getting longtail keywords right so if you sell a product it's a lucrative thing to sell something is lucrative almost any lucrative niche on the Internet is a very very very competitive it's very there's very many sites already competing to rank and try to rank for that so your job is kind of like okay its competitive so you gotta kind of you know be smart right and one way is to get into less competitive spaces which would be long tail search keywords right so instead of shoes right which would be a short tail impossible to rank keyword right nobody's gonna range for shoes because that's like Amazon Zappos and all the billion-dollar companies you're not gonna get there at least not in the first few years so you gotta go you may be you know green Nike shoes with stripes with velvet or leather or whatever you know so all those kinds of long tail searches so that you will have a chance to ring for that and one benefit of it also is that if people search for something very specific and you actually happen to have it they will be much more likely to buy then if they search for something general right because we're searching for some in general they're not sure exactly what they want but if they know exactly that exactly what they want like green Nike shoes with stripes with velvet whatever I don't know I'm just making up the the descriptions I don't know about a lot about shoes but essentially they find if they search for that and they actually find that it would be one of the rare places that they'll find that and so they'll be more likely to buy from you right so those actually actually there's less searches go on for the longer searches but they bring in higher quality leads that are more likely to buy and they're actually going to be possible maybe not easy but possible to rank in search results which the short tail keywords for competitive keywords would be very very challenging terrain for and again to get your pages to rank higher you know what to do build links into them and get a lot of social sharing around those product pages alright another cool thing you can do to sell products is think about it products are visual right and what's the visual medium on the Internet yes it's YouTube you can show the product you can like play around with it this is my camcorder you know you can show how good it is you can see it opens it closes and you can see how it feels right so there's a lot more you can show on video and you can talk about the product the pros and the cons and it's a video is kind of a content it's far easier to consume than reading a whole lot of boring things about blah blah blah camcorder blah blah blah right and the person will fall asleep so video is great and also Google likes to rank videos in search results so if it's not easy to use for you to get into the search results in the top 10 of search results with a webpage you might actually get to sneak in there with a video because videos have a tendency to do that and you already know how to do videos first for SEO for videos so you're set okay next thing you want to do again this is kind of like writing good sales copy but wherever your product listing is don't just have a plain old product listing because the truth of product listings is that if you make a good one beautiful thumbnail nice title descriptions description images that really show the product well if you're able to put a video in there that's also great can influence can increase or decrease if it's bad percentage number of sales by many hundreds of percent literally and I've had many examples where I did it like for example like my mobile apps when a just the app icon when I had a plain one and then I made a more nice brighter more professional one just like increase the downloads and then I got my app to rank and got the conversion rate higher and because that the app because of it the app rank higher and there's so many benefits that are like built on top of each other because your conversion rate you really want to increase the conversion rate of your product page it's like for example if you're an Amazon and your product converts have a good rate and was almost our ranking that thing higher because the it seems like it's a good product because people are buying it them more rapidly right so you really want to do that and you want to pay attention to your logos and your thumbnails because it's the most visual thing typically on a product page and here's a really kind of cool tip trick you want to use bright red bright blue maybe yellow bright orange those are the most attention-grabbing colors so if somebody's gonna search for anything like on Amazon right and your product is like one of twenty I think Amazon has twenty products on its first page not then like Google well what's gonna happen is people are gonna be more likely to notice you are listing even if your listing may not be number one people will be more likely to notice it click on it and then your bed our sales copy will maybe get them to buy right and then of course if that happens more often the search engine will realize relatively quickly hey this product has the best conversion rate people seem to think is the best we should rank it higher and you'll be rank higher and then it gives you more sales so that's actually how you sell that's how you sell products there's a lot of strategies but it's not about doing a lot of challenges it's about doing a few strategies with a high quality of execution right so you got a nice product good product listing good SEO for it you know get it with ability get it to convert and then you'll make a lot of money and you'll be very happy.

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