How to create physical products to sell

Create physical products to sell EVEN IF don't know how to make products!

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: Whether you are already creating some products or have a design or don't have a design one great thing you can do is this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy think about um what kind of things you'd like to sell what kind of things you'd like to put your logo on for example like I don't have and I'll give you a really good live example so this is a real life example so my business is the problem you know calm I create products they're digital products only therefore you know like mobile their mobile apps their boots their you know Kindle books their online courses are new to me but I don't have a physical product now what do I do right so this solution works whether you have a physical product or you don't and I'm going to show you the site CafePress if you don't like me I already have a product line that's physical products what you can do is you can go to Fiverr or 99designs you know Fiverr spell is spelled with fi ve are are calm 99designs that comma spelled with 99 is the number or any kind of online design site or even your friends who are good we design okay and what you really have to come up with is the concept okay so for me the concept would be let's for example just for example say gifts for entrepreneurs okay and look at all these things you can create right all I need to do is to get a design okay now when I have a design oh my god I can create mugs I can create like invitation greeting cards I don't know about jewelry but monopoly set for entrepreneurs I mean that's a cool gift Scrabble right that people love the stuff t-shirts sweatshirts hoodies I mean this is really common the t-shirts and twister in hoodies right so other kind of things they have a view oh let's see what they have but you guys get it right you can put your designs on any product right just like this they make a shirt you send them your design here's how it's gonna look like and you sell it okay once you once you've got all these products guess what you do not only will you be able to sell them on this side CafePress you can sell them on Amazon Etsy anything else right it's amazing so right away you can even sell it from your own website right if you have a shopping cart and you do SEO for your own website so right away you have a full product line amazing right you go from having nothing all you have to do is come up with your concept like in my real life example it will be gifts for entrepreneurs like if you want to get a gift for your entrepreneur whoever you know boyfriend husband wife whatever all I would do is create some designs for five bucks on Fiverr and play around with designs maybe create like maybe it's ten or twenty and just you know spend a little bit of money but it pales in comparison because if you get a great great great selling design oh my god I mean it you can start selling like a real product and make money with all these ways that you can't with digital product right so because these are things like people can ship and by the way speaking of physical product you can actually make all your money back right on fiber because fiber allows you to ship physical products so you can actually sell your products on Fiverr now of course there's a you know you're not gonna be able to sell a lot of things for a profit for five dollars there but you can if you can get people to buy things with the gig extras that will work but you'll just have to get a little bit better at understanding how fire works but essentially this is how you go from not having any product at all to sell that's physical to having a full product line minimal cost and you can do this within like I would say less than a week right all you need to do is just get the designs ordered online then you need to set up your account create your products and then post those products on all the other sites and you know eBay shopping calm fab calm it's endless eBay does the list of those storage stores is endless so try that that is a fantastic way to actually create products I mean it's not like you're creating something really new and original but it's still these are things that are in demand and you know make it look beautiful I think the difference maker here will be the design and then you're set to go you know your rocket ship is ready to fly and it's up to you.

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