How I sell on Facebook in an effective and legitimate way

How I sell on Facebook in an effective and legitimate way

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: An effective way to actually sell products and make money on Facebook that's something you can do starting today okay how do I do it this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy so this is a Facebook group online video marketers I'll show you later what it's all about but it has a few thousand engaged people in it I'm a member I'm not the owner so what I did is you can take a look at my post I did on January 15th and I'll have the link to this post in the resources section of this video so that you can sort of click here and browse on your own and what I did is I tagged these are the organizers of the group and I tagged them and I said exactly this I'm getting close to a thousand views of my YouTube channel and I made a course about it it's a udemy course and I and what I asked is would it be okay to post a discount to that course in this group right so I tagged the group organizers and I didn't post the link directly I asked them if it was okay they replied to me and they said yes please do right because they're because of two because of two reasons I had a pre-existing relationship with the organizers of this group I've never met them a person but I know them online I interacted with this group before and that's why you should have also you should have a pre-existing relationship with the organizers on the group so that you know they can know that they know that you're not a spammer they trust you and so they said okay right and then in the next post I'm gonna scroll up a little bit and this is my next post that I made and I said with the permission of gray lane who is the group organizer I want to share with you a youtube marketing course bla bla bla bla bla and I posted the link and it's legitimate and this generated I think five six or seven sales of the course like I'm not gonna retire on this money but at the same time it's almost no work and you get sales right and by the way if I develop a further relationship with this organizer I can do this on a with regular basis I can do three months from now I can sort of like repost this course again as them if it's okay or you know whatever right so that's how I do so the keys are finding good engaged group join the group interact there so that your trusted member and then ask nicely you can ask nicely publicly the reason I ask publicly is that I wanted to get other members to notice that I'm talking about this course to get the interest going so there was a reason that I did it publicly you can do it privately that's okay too but also publicly kind of puts the organize the group organizer on the spot in a way and if you ask nicely in a way that you know makes it easy for them to say yes then they just say yes so I'll sort I'll add the links to the way that I asked in the resources section of this lecture so that you can see exactly how I did it you can even use some of my wording to ask people where you're selling and I'll show you the group a little bit I had to scroll a lot and the group is she had five thousand members in it fifty four hundred members so it's a pretty good engaged group and that's kind of what I do to target groups and sell on them so also key point make sure that whatever you're selling that it's related the group the group is super related to what you're selling it's not super related people won't be too interested okay so that's what you can do that I did to sell on Facebook.

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