Don't listen to anyone, but who to listen to?

Don't listen to anyone, but who to listen to?

Lesson Details:
February 28, 2020

Video Transcription – This video is going to be a little bit of a funny one because we're gonna talk about who's marketing advice to take there are a lot of pretend experts out there but not everyone's an expert this industry is full of people who they wake up one day and they're like hmm I am an expert and then they give advice as though they're an expert and if you are just starting out you might feel compelled to listen to it so there's a little bit of a catch-22 haru-san too so let's go over some yellow flags that will give you hints that like hey maybe this is not a good person to listen to or take advice from first of all if everything they encounter they want to promote on Facebook in Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and get likes and all that stuff in social media that is a beginner because as you already getting are getting a sense you need a specific marketing strategy - the specifics of what you are doing number one sign of a beginner is that they cannot they don't know Beyond Facebook and Instagram another thing is does their ideas do their ideas past the common sense test and the common sense test is get into your customers head get into the you know think about them how do they discover a similar type of product or business that you have what you know do they search for it do they get it recommend recommend it from another professional is it a you know is it a direct sales thing what what how where in their day do you need to inject your marketing material so they can discover you and does that actually match what the supposed marketing advisor is telling you does it pass this essential common-sense test also when somebody's advising you you always need to ask them what they have accomplished before and it should be verifiable it's it's not they they can't just say oh yeah I did it because everybody can lie every most businesses are private businesses and that means that you can you you don't have access to their information they can be making one dollar a year but they can tell you I'm a millionaire you cannot verify their personal finance so you should look for evidence of their success online you know what's their website like our team they show that somewhere they succeeded where they're advising you in an area where they've been successful before they haven't succeeded it's just theoretical and is there's too many people teaching things they haven't really done but they've also only learned or heard of and so they're beginners okay that that's the definition of a beginner they just learned it they haven't had a time chance to apply it don't take their advice to heart as with everyone's advice take it process it think about it don't act on it just yet wait and really you know yeah a lot of expert advice real expert and in this video at least you know how to tell and non expert.

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