What to do on day one on fiverr

What to do on day one on fiverr

Lesson Details:
July 22, 2020

Video Transcription: Many potential Fiverr sellers create an account get excited and then struggle and they don't make a lot of progress they don't sell a lot of gigs and quit and that happens to actually most people so in this video I want to explain to you what to do on day one this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy so that you start building momentum you do everything right and you start making sales and grow and make progress and beginning is always the hardest it's gonna be frustrating you're gonna have some failure but the sales are gonna be slow all the problems are going to be felt the worst at the beginning you just have to get through it and don't look at successful sellers and compare them to yourselves because they probably struggled in the beginning as well but they just have a lot of time advantage so looking at successful sellers is the best way to make yourself feel bad about yourself don't look at it just look at your own progress as long as you're doing everything right and every day you're doing something to improve your account then you're on the right track persistence is key persistence will get you everywhere so on day one of course you already understand you've got to create your 7 gigs each targeting some different keywords we already talked about that but you have to do that then make sure you set your prices for each gig at least this the starter package will should have the $5 option so that it's easy for people to try your services because your services are unproven you don't have a lot of reviews then you need to start getting initial reviews most of the initial reviews if you don't have an audience like a lot of followers a big email list which most people don't have that which is okay but everybody has friends you need to get initial reviews from friends and family to at least get a little bit of a boost in the rankings and at least a little bit of social proof because they're a gig without ratings has very low purchase rate very few people give that a chance so you need to put reviews on your gigs you can ask friends and family to buy and try your gig now there's a gray area strategy some people do it some people don't like it if you don't like it you don't have to do this but you can reimburse people the initial fee for buying your gig you can just reimburse them at least so they can try it so there's no risk for them and of course you will do that with your friends this is of course against Terms of Service but a lot of people do this anyway just because they need they need that little push this is of course against Terms of Service on Fiverr and of course you can you can get your account penalized and banned so this is controversial advice but the truth is that a lot of people do this in the beginning just to push their gigs up just to get a few reviews of course don't do this long term because it doesn't even make sense long term you're just gonna be losing money so a long term it won't matter because long term your gig quality will be really the deciding factor because if buyers liked your gig they'll give it good ratings and your Google rankings Fiverr but if buyers don't like it there's no amount of your own reviews that can save you but in the beginning you do have to get a little creative for how to get reviews especially if you don't have your own audience and friends and family that's the best source and usually people have hundreds of friends on social media so it's not hard to get it if you try then you have to make sure that once you get initial clients real clients not your friends and family but actual buyers you need to get them and retain them by doing a great job so that they can buy more and more of your gigs and whatever you do long term like after and after they want like week one month one and forward moving forward and moving forward you need to keep on pushing your gigs promoting promoting promoting so that they start ranking in five or SEO you're already well aware of the important factors for Fiverr SEO and you just need to keep making sales getting reviews getting your average order sail up boosting your gig conversion rate by making it look attractive and that's the recipe for from starting on day one to moving forward to be successful on Fiverr and not get frustrated and quit now also don't forget to make your gigs look attractive as attractive as possible nice video nicely written description a fake you section filling out every every section of the Fiverr gig setup including portfolio connecting your social media writing a good bio all those things having very attractive thumbnails for your gigs all those things you have to do before growth can start so make sure that on day one your gigs look very attractive you did your SEO and you start getting initial reviews and then unless you chose a niche that is way way way too competitive if you did choose a reasonable niche without tremendous competition indeed your keywords right then you should begin to start getting sales after having done all of these steps.

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