Fiverr basic branding

Fiverr basic branding

Lesson Details:
July 22, 2020

Video Transcription: I want to make sure that you brand yourself correctly because when you brand yourself you get more recognition and more eventual trust this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy okay what is what does it mean to brand yourself on Fiverr or anywhere else really well on Fiverr it's relatively simple okay you want to have a unique and recognizable name that makes sense hopefully it's a creative screen name or something like that or maybe it's your name just your name is okay it should be memorable and stand out you should have a kind of using the same photo style or same video style for your gig videos so that when people see it they'll be like oh I've seen that guy before or girl and they'll be like wow you know this person's everywhere I get that I actually get that sometimes.
I'm like people are like oh you're everywhere and I'm like yes I'm everywhere and that's why they buy my stuff because they're like well you may be you must be more legitimate because you know you're hustling you're working harder you're taking it more seriously and you everywhere right so that's kind of that's kind of what people what it makes them think that about you and when you have this kind of a similarity it sort of builds trap over a number of encounters it builds trust with you and the more recognition that you have the more sales you will get right because often people may buy from the first sale but if they continue seeing you seeing you seeing you recognizing you oh it's the same guy then they are more likely to buy but if they see you but don't actually make the connection that they've already come across your gigs before then it's like then it's like the first time that they see you and you don't get to take advantage of your branding right you see the difference right so if they if your gigs are like give different designs different themes everything is different and they don't really know maybe you appear different even in a way or in your gig videos then they might not make the connection that they've already seen you and then it's like a first time and you have to start from very beginning right whereas if they had recognized you you would have initially more trust and you can build your branding off fiber as well because presumably you'll be doing business on other websites right and we hopefully keep your same brand name same theme you know make that really recognizable and unique across everywhere you are right if you're in YouTube you know get recognized so people find you on YouTube and on five or don't be like oh I saw you on YouTube now I see you on five work the whole thing the the more places they see you the more often they see you the more they keep remembering you the more trust there will be of course it goes without saying that you've got to provide really good products and content so that when they recognize you they recognize you as a positive thing not a negative thing of course right and so wherever you are and there's a million places on the web just a few examples are YouTube you to me five or your own website maybe you have a podcast a blog maybe you sell something that was all or wherever you are focused on this from early on and actually it's a mistake that I made early on and and I paid for it and and it's there is something that I it's one of the biggest mistakes that I made is early on I didn't brand myself like now I more or less try to keep myself branded you know I have I use kind of like the same background photo like blue background my face same screen names sort of like that you know so people recognize me or my name is also very recognizable so people recognize my name which is like a crazy name that nobody else has it's like Alex again Edenic right like no one else has that name in the world I think and that last name it's hard to mistake for you know it's a crazy it's a crazy crazy last name is it's hard to mistake for something but if you have like a regular last name like Jones or Smith you may want to come up with a cool brand for yourself for the people recognize you for it because they're gonna forget brand James or Smith or you may even put like use a middle initial so that that will stand out but again the more recognition then you will allow from people the more trust you will have and the more trust you will have the more sales you will have so branding branding branding think about it from very early on and it will pay off big-time.

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