Facebook Insights Overview - Learn Online

An Outline of Facebook Insights 

Lesson Details:
January 21, 2020

Welcome to 6.1 guys this is just gonna be a brief outline just to get your footing right and just don't understand what Facebook Insights actually are and what their purpose is so this is just a screenshot that I've taken but as you can see at the top there are six tabs for your facebook Insights and all your stats are broken down in these six categories so the first is that always the overview I'll give you an overview of the five other categories in each tab so I'm gonna show you a quick live walkthrough of each tab just you get a feel of it and then we can concentrate and breaking down what each stat means let's dive in awesome guys so I'm here on achieve greatness --is insight page as you can see I'm on the default tab overview I'm just gonna show you how to get to insights it's relatively simple simply click see insides on the top okay once again overview will be the default category as you can see overview is just a brief summary of each other tab in the insights the page likes as page likes reaches reach engagements as visits posters posts and so on so here you can get a brief overview of what's happening in each category without having to click on it to get more detailed reports simply click on the tab of your choosing this is likes so this will show you your total page likes how many people are unlocking your page and just what's going on from your page including where the likes came from you can sort by time range by simply sliding these sliders or manually setting it over here and it'll show you the data for the time range that you select so your reach is not to do with your likes but it's the total amount of people who saw your posts so if someone shared one of your updates on all their friends saw it they count in your reach as well as you can see it's set out on a similar timeline to your likes so once again you can select the range that you want to see using the sliders above and just hover over the graphs to see the exact numbers here breaks down what type of interaction you got on each post and down the bottom it will give you a summary of your total reach as you can see on the side you can break it down between organic and paid as I'm doing this course without spending a dollar of course all of my engagement has been organic visits again is pretty straightforward having people of Visio page and also what do they do when they visit your page so you can see 107 people here visited my photos tab on 2nd a fab and 838 visited my time that just goes to show you the power of the community power strategy getting 838 people onto the timeline by just posting in relevant communities here down the bottom is external referrers so if you're getting a lot of traffic you don't know where it's coming from come down here obviously I'm not getting that much one from Google one from being one from laser social but if you're getting a lot of traffic and you're confused to where it's coming from you'll find out exactly where right here this table I think is the most important it's the post tab it's going to show you that post time when most people online it's also going to show you the exact engagement in and your reach for each type of post and when you posted it it breaks down the exact stats and shows you the exact numbers I'll show you a little bit more detail on that in the next segment when we're setting up our action steps also in this post tabs are post types you can break down each post type and you can also see the top posts from your pages that you're watching let me actually go back really quickly and show you where pages you are watching are I believe it's in overview the pages to watch now what this is is you put in your competitors pages and you can see what type of engagement and number of likes that they're getting compared to yours so by breaking down top pages to watch you can see their top content and literally copy it the last tab over here is people you can break down your entire demographic including their location their gender and their age and see who exactly you are talking to I'm going to show you how to use all this data to optimize your Facebook page and therefore decrease the time it takes to reach your goals let's have a look in the next segment .

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