LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations

LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations

Lesson Details:
March 27, 2020

Video Transcription :  In this video let's discuss posting your own skills and endorsing you other people's skills and having other people endorse your skills this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy so the only way anybody can endorse anybody skills is if the original person posted skills on their profile so it's not possible to do for everybody so in your case which you would do is of course you would start by adding skills to post skills what you would do is go to your profile like we are here and then you say add a profile section and one of them will be skills you add the skills you see I already have 31 skills on my profile but you can just add any skill and they will say okay you're learning okay that's a great one for me I'm gonna add that now what I can do with that is I can go and ask people to endorse my skills you can ask them individually in a one-on-one private chat because it's very rare that people actually go and endorse other people's skills but let me show you what they're going to see when they come to your profile this is the contact of mine that has skills listed you see skills so because he's listed some of his skills I'm able to endorse them so let's say I endorse them digital marketing and it says thank you your selection will help us identify relevant opportunities from Mike so basically I suggest that for him here's another contact of mine and there's more ways that I can promote them and of course if you can promote them they can do the same thing to you so I can click more and there's this option give kudos so this is just something nice and I'm just gonna suggest like outside the box thinker and I'm gonna post that and he's gonna get that so that's gonna be on my timeline so that would be in a post you don't necessarily want to add a post unless it's very meaningful and necessary because it will be on your timeline and people can see that so I'm not gonna post that but you can do that if you want to really compliment someone so the kudos thing is a relatively minor think it's used if you want to get on somebody's radar on and on someone's good side so it's not that commonly used what's more common is to recommend someone what you would do is you would select a relationship so for example you can say how you guys work together and I'm gonna say I was a client of Jes and let's say at his latest position and I'm gonna recommend him now of course you can ask him to also recommend you so I'm just showing you how that would all work you welcome to recommend others of course but the whole point here is that when you ask others to recommend you this is what you need to ask them to do you need them to endorse your skills and write recommendations like this the skill endorsements and recommendations that's gonna be showing up on your profile so I wrote a complimentary message the more specific it can be the better and then you just say send so you kind of give a recommendation so that's what you would ask other people to do to click endorse your skills and to write your recommendations because you see if you scroll down there is a whole recommendation section on the profile so if people who browse your profile see that you have a lot of recommendations and you've given a lot of recommendations that makes you better now how many recommendations one is better than 0 5 is the next rash hold 10 is the next threshold 20 is the next threshold every one of those numbers is a psychological mark where people who browse the recommendations they might not read all the recommendations but they see wow 10 recommendations or wow 20 recommendations or wow like 50 recommendations that's amazing almost no one has that so the more of the psychological threshold you can cross in the numbers of recommendations you have gotten of course you can give some and that's good to give some but it's good to get more than you give you don't want to have the same number of given as received because it just looks like you did recommend you you'll recommend them it looks like it should look like their natural organic recommendations and the more you have the better your profile will look.  

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