Let's Sum Up the Cropping

Let's Sum Up the Cropping

Lesson Details:
July 03, 2020

Video Transcription: So in order to adjust our composition in order to make it more balanced to make it well basically look prettier this video is brought to you by our Appy Pie's Academy we need to use the crop tool and it sits right here in our tools panel whenever I initialize it I'm going to get these handles right here right here and when I drag them I'm gonna get what I'll be able to crop my image and I'm gonna get these these bars these well this grid overlay right here and we can go either for rule of thirds or the golden ratio which are the most basic grid overlays and they will help us in establishing which lines or which points which which aspects of our image should be like put in in in front should be should be the most prominent so if we want to use these well this grid overlay these lines just make sure that your horizontal lines are being in line with one of these horizontal lines that your vertical lines or your most important aspects of the image are well in line with one of the vertical lines like maybe this tractor right now and maybe I'm gonna bring it down.

Maybe I would change it to rule of thirds just like so Brennan just a bit up in this case and this get just a bit to the right so right now my tractor is in line with this this vertical line or you can try to put your most important aspects of your image inside or under underneath these these four hotspots which are actually intersections of the horizontal and the vertical lines right here and if you want to if you want to make sure that you can always well crop back so to speak your image just make sure that you don't that you don't have this delete cropped pixels function function on and if you're happy with your with your composition just check this will click this checkmark or press ENTER on your keyboard so there we go these are the basic basics of of cropping or or of the cropping tool and this actually is the first way and to make our photos look great with just a few clicks because actually now with some practice you'll be able to simply drop him crop the image use any of the grid overlays and make your composition look better in a matter of just a few clicks so in the next video we are going to actually start making our photos look better in terms of the right contrast the right colors and so if that's something that you're interested in just keep watching.

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