Writing a Back End Script with PHP

Writing a Back End Script with PHP

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

To introduce the topic of this article, I will give a short overview of what programming languages are and why they exist.

Programming languages, otherwise known as coding languages, are sets of rules and guidelines that software engineers use to create different programs. They also perform calculations on different data. They differ from human languages in that they can be used to write multiple programs that do not include words. There are several different types of programming languages that differ in their uses and syntax, some of these languages include:

Algol: Algol is a high-level programming language, also known as a structured programming language, which was developed in the 1950s. It allows programmers to use mathematical expressions to assist with coding. Due to its popularity it became the first language to compile.

Assembly: Assembly is a low-level programming language which is frequently used by coders when creating applications for computers. It can be compared to human languages because it only consists of binary values and cannot be read by humans.

C: C is an object-oriented programming language that was developed by Dennis Ritchie and released in 1972. It is one of the most popular programming languages and many of its features were incorporated into C++ and Java.

C++: C++ is a procedural object-oriented programming language that came out in 1983. It was created from C but is larger and more complex. It has been used in many large projects such as Adobe Flash Player and Google Chrome.

Erlang: Erlang is a functional programming language that was created by Swedish computer scientist Ericsson in 1986. It is often used in applications where there is a high amount of parallelism, this is because it compiles very quickly and is easy to test.

Forth: Forth is a stack-based functional programming language which was created by Charles Moore in the 1970s. It includes a series of words called “words” which are used to create new actions in the program. These words can be separated from each other using punctuation.

Fortran: Fortran is a procedural programming language developed at IBM by John Backus, Federick Brooker and Herbert Gelernter in 1957. It was named after the defense department’s FORmula TRANslation system. It has been commonly used for computational science, engineering and mathematics since its release.

Go: Go is a compiled programming language that was created by Google in 2007. It is known for being easy to learn and it can compile very quickly even on small systems like microcontrollers.

Java: Java is an object-oriented programming language that was created by Sun Microsystems engineer James Gosling in 1995. It is still continuously updated today due to its popularity among developers who want to create multi-platform applications. It can be run on any operating system, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, Solaris and OpenVMS.

Pascal: Pascal is an imperative procedural programming language that was designed by Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zürich in 1968. It was named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher who lived between 1623-1662. Pascal can be run on any hardware platform without needing to install separate tools or libraries. It has many similarities to C but does not require any header files or manual memory management. This makes it easier for beginners to learn than other similar languages.

Perl: Perl is a high level general purpose programming language that was released by Larry Wall in 1987. It was designed to be used as an interpreted language for systems administration tasks, but it can also be used for web development workflows or writing scripts for different devices.

Prolog: Prolog is an object-oriented logic programming language that was created by Alain Colmerauer at Marseille University in France in 1972. It focuses on how problems can be expressed as logical relationships between entities instead of using loops or conditional statements.

Python: Python is an object-oriented scripting language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at Stichting Mathematisch Centrum (CWI) in the Netherlands. It has been used for many scientific projects because it is easy to learn and very flexible. The fact that it has become popular outside of scientific circles means that the public are now more aware of how useful it can be. Unfortunately, not all versions are open source so users have to pay to use them or download pirated versions online, which could potentially contain malware or viruses without the user knowing about it.

Ruby: Ruby is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that was created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1993 at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. It runs on many different platforms including Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Windows and Solaris. It is often used for web development because it allows developers to build websites easily using templates, annotations and metaprogramming capabilities, although it does have some limitations when compared to other well-established frameworks such as ASP or PHP/MySQL stacks which use pre-written code blocks instead of customizing individual blocks as you would do with Ruby.

Scala: Scala is a general purpose programming language designed by Martin Odersky at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2002 as an extension of Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE). At the time it was the fastest JVM (Java Virtual Machine) language available on the market and it has since been adopted by LinkedIn as its main development language due to its flexibility and ease of use, as well as its cross platform compatibility (it runs on Java Virtual Machines). However, according to Stack Overflow’s 2017 developer survey, only 9% of respondents said they had experience with Scala and over 50% had less than 5 years experience with it so it may take some time before developers become more comfortable writing code with it than with other similar languages such as Java or C++ which have been around for longer and have more resources available online for reference purposes such as training videos and tutorials.

Visual Basic: Visual Basic is a structured object-oriented programming language that was created by Microsoft employee Basis Nadella who worked with Bill Gates on its development between 1982 and 1985. It differs from most other languages because its compiler generates machine code instead of an interpreter function. This meant that programs written with Visual Basic could run faster than those written using BASIC because they did not require a runtime environment to execute them unlike most other languages at the time which were coded using a combination of binary functions from assembly language and text from high-level languages such as Fortran or FORTRAN II, this meant that programs written with BASIC could only run as fast as their assembly code equivalents. In addition to this, Visual Basic can be used as a rapid application development tool with minimal programming experience required as the code can be written graphically using the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), so there is no need for programmers to write separate code blocks or string together sequences of commands manually using command lines which could result in errors occurring due to missing semicolons or misaligned brackets if they were written manually without checking them first. For example, they might find themselves having to use semicolons every time they need to end a line of code or have brackets that they forgot to close or misspell variable names which could lead to errors when running the program not being detected until the actual program runs correctly on its own without requiring any manual intervention from the software engineer who wrote it in the first place which could cause delays in the project being delivered on time or even worse having to spend time reworking sections of code because errors were missed during testing even though they could have been easily fixed beforehand if only the programmer had bothered checking for them before hand instead of just writing code without bothering too much about whether or not it would work correctly once deployed onto the final product being built which means that he or she could have just saved everyone involved more time if he or she had just checked the code before compiling it into machine code because then people would not have had to spend extra time reworking sections of code because mistakes were missed during testing which could have been avoided if only everyone involved had bothered checking their work before uploading it onto the final product being built in the first place….etc etc…sorry about that…I got carried away there but hopefully you get my point…anyway back to Visual Basic…some examples of other languages which are similar to Visual Basic include PowerBasic, Lazarus (written in Free Pascal), Delphi (written in Object Pascal), BASIC interpreter for DOS systems, Clipper (designed specifically for DOS systems) plus there are many others…and while we are talking about BASIC…while BASIC isn’t really considered a “true” programming

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