Using a responsive framework

Using a responsive framework

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

Developing a web site for a business or personal use is a way to reach a wider target audience and increase the amount of visitors. Although a website can be a success without a programming language, a lot of web sites have been programmed using a coding language. The purpose of this article is to discuss how programming languages have been used to write web sites.

II: Body

A: Using a responsive framework

The ability to design and develop a web site that works well on any device is now possible thanks to responsive web design frameworks. Having a web site that can be accessed from anywhere using any devices is convenient for users as they don’t need to install specific applications to view the web site. However, developing a site like this does not come easy and requires the help of professional developers and designers.

To create an effective responsive framework developers need to test their code and make sure it works fine on various devices. Also, they need to make sure the code is compatible with several browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Here, the most important thing is to select the right combination of CSS and JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, and Semantic UI that will help build websites that are mobile friendly.

For example, there is a great amount of responsive frameworks available on the internet, but one of the best ones is Bootstrap. This framework is based on HTML and CSS and it is compatible with all major browsers. Another good thing about Bootstrap is that it is highly customizable and it has lots of reusable components so you can use them to develop your own web site. It is also possible to use Material Design with Bootstrap which brings an intuitive design style providing different styles for different devices.

B: Using PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript/jQuery

Using these programming languages is essential when developing a website. They are very flexible and compatible with various devices. The five are constantly updated so they provide the features needed by developers to create professional web sites.

PHP is very popular among web developers because it is easy to learn. It also provides great functionality that helps enhance the user experience when accessing a web site. For example, it can be used to encrypt data sent to the server before displaying it on-screen. It can also be used to create cookies that will aid in storing information on the user’s computer or smartphone. Furthermore, it can be used to send data back and forth between the server and the browser using the HTTP protocol. One of the advantages of using PHP is that it permits developers to create interactive pages which can be used to display instant output instead of having to wait for the entire page to finish loading. This is crucial for creating web sites that load faster.

MySQL is an open source database management system that supports relational databases. It provides tools that enable developers to store data in databases in an organized manner. It comes with its own syntax which allows users to express queries in SQL language. It can be used by web site developers who want to store data in an efficient manner without worrying about security issues. The advantage of using MySQL is that its performance levels are better than other database management systems when it comes to queries involving large amounts of data. It also makes it easier for developers to find out if there are any errors when they compile their code hence making the debugging process less stressful.

HTML5 was designed with mobile devices in mind hence making it easier for developers to create web sites that are responsive and look great on all types of devices including smartphones, tablets and computers with small screens. HTML5 offers enhanced functionality when compared to HTML4 since it has new elements added to it such as , , , , , , etc. This new markup language has received praises from web developers since it enables them to create web sites that are more visually appealing than before while ensuring that they respond properly on any device desired by users. With HTML5, developers no longer need to rely only on CSS3 when designing their websites; instead they can use both CSS3 and HTML5 together since they complement each other very well.

CSS3 stands for Cascading Style Sheets Level 3 which consists of a set of pre-defined rules that can be used by developers when creating a web site or app interface. These pre-defined rules include helper classes that enable developers to add animation effects without having to add extra elements such as transitions or transforms which would otherwise lead to extra code being written within the HTML markup language. In other words, CSS3 provides an easier way to structure content while adding visual appeal at the same time since all classes have been defined in advance by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). These classes include box-sizing, text-align, hover states, transitions and pseudo-class selectors which enable developers to achieve great results without having to spend too much time writing extra lines of code. As a result, CSS3 enables developers to build more robust apps that work well on any device while taking less time to get them up and running on the internet.

Javascript/jQuery is another programming language commonly used by web developers today because it provides an easy way to add animations and transitions on websites without having to write extra lines of code. Although it can take some time getting used to this programming language due to its syntax, once you understand how it works then you will realize that it offers great functionality just like other programming languages such as PHP and CSS3 respectively. Hence, Javascript/jQuery can be used by programmers who want to add animations and transitions in just two lines of code using CSS3 and jQuery libraries respectively such as transition: transform .5s ease-in-out; which will add animation effects in just two lines of code.

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