Structuring Data Demo

Structuring Data Demo

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

Introduction: The basics of a programming language.

II: Body

What is a programming language?

Programming languages are sets of rules that specify exactly what a computer should do as it runs a program. A programming language is used to create a program that can be executed, or run, by a computer. People who write programs use programming languages to create programs that tell the computer to perform useful tasks.

The first programming language was developed in the 1950s and was used to program computers to play games. Since then many different types of programming languages have been created for various purposes. Some programming languages are designed specifically to perform mathematical calculations, others are designed for writing word processing documents or performing other common tasks.

There are two main categories of programming languages: high-level languages and low-level languages. High-level languages are easier to learn and use, but they cannot be easily converted into machine language, which is the native language of computers. Low-level languages are more difficult to use, but they can easily be converted into machine language.

Programming languages are based on sets of rules called syntax. The syntax of a programming language determines what statements are allowed in the language. Programming languages also have rules about things like how comments are written or what punctuation characters are used with other symbols in the language.

III: Conclusion

Conclusion: What you have learned about programming languages.

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