Section Review of More Python Skills

Section Review of More Python Skills

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

In this article I will be discussing the various aspects of programming languages. Programming languages are a way for a computer to understand a programmer's instructions. There are many different types of programming languages and there is a lot of variation within each type.

II: Body

There are many types of programming languages. The most popular types of programming languages are high level, low level, and object oriented. Many of the most famous programming languages, including C++, C#, Java, Smalltalk, Fortran, Ada, Lisp, Basic, Cobol, JavaScript, and PHP are high level. High level languages are easier to use because they provide many built in functions and features that make implementing common tasks very easy. Examples of the type of tasks that high level programming languages address include user interface control, sound output, graphics, database access, etc. They are called "high level" because they require less code to accomplish their tasks than low level programming languages do. Low level programming languages deal with more fundamental operations like memory allocation, pointers, byte strings, data representation, etc. Examples of low level programming languages include C, C++, Fortran, and assembly language. Object oriented programming is the latest trend in programming language design. Object oriented programming allows programmers to group related data together in objects. Object oriented programming is not only useful in the design of programs but has also been used in the design of libraries and operating systems. Another important aspect of the design of object oriented programming languages is that they are designed to run on multiple machines. This means that if you write an application using an object oriented programing language it can easily be ported to other computers without too much trouble.

III: Conclusion

Programming languages are extremely important to our society because they allow us to perform complex tasks without having to learn how to program computers directly. Writing programs using programming languages also allows large groups of people to work on the same project at once because everyone can work independently on separate parts of the project. Most people know what Microsoft Office is but ask them how it works and you will likely get a blank stare. It works because it uses a programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that only runs on Windows computers. As you can see you don't need to know how VBA works to use it. You can simply use it to create Microsoft Word documents or Excel spreadsheets. For more information on programming languages check out

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