Section Review of Input, Output and Variables

Section Review of Input, Output and Variables

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction [ edit ]

In the modern world of technology, microprocessors are everywhere. The chips in our computers, smart phones, and other digital electronics are filled with millions of tiny "on" and "off" switches called transistors. These transistors allow digital devices to store bits of data in memory locations and also to perform logical operations on these bits.

When you turn on your TV or computer, what you are actually doing is telling the device to run a series of steps, or program, that tells it how to display the picture on your screen. This program is written using a programming language. A programming language is a special type of language that uses words and symbols that represent the idea of making decisions or performing actions.

II: Body [ edit ]

A section review of input, output and variables in programming languages is need to use for programming concept in the 21st century. Inputs are data entered by users through keyboards, mice, tablets, etc. Outputs are data displayed to users through monitors, printers, speakers, etc. Variables are used in computers in order to keep track of information during runtime.

a)Input [ edit ]

The most common way for inputting data into a computer is through the use of a keyboard. Some programs may also accept data from other devices such as touch screens or mice. Inputs are usually specified in programs using variables. Each variable can hold one piece of information at any given time. However, variables can be changed to store new values so they can store more than one piece of information.

b)Output [ edit ]

Outputs are data displayed to users through monitors, printers, speakers, etc. Outputs are typically specified in programs using variables too. Each variable can hold one piece of information at any given time. However, variables can be changed to store new values so they can store more than one piece of information.

c)Variables [ edit ]

Variables are used in computers in order to keep track of information during runtime. A variable is just a label that is given to some piece of information. The value of the label changes over time while the label itself stays the same. The value of some variables can also change depending on how the program has been written. A simple example would be a program that keeps track of someone's age by storing it in some sort of variable labeled 'age'. The variable age would be given different values at different times depending on how old someone is at that certain time.

III: Conclusion [ edit ]

In conclusion, Programing languages are the codes used by the programmers to create computer programs. Programing Languages are very useful because they help us write complex programs that will be useful for us in the future. We use programing languages to make things like games and software easy to understand and easier to use.

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