List Data | Development | Online Course With Appy Pie Academy

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Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

Programming coding languages are used to create different programs. They are used to write different programs like apps, games, etc. The design, creation, and use of software systems is done through programming languages. These language are created for the purpose of expressing algorithms in a form that can be run by a computer. The main types of programming languages are imperative languages, functional languages, and object-oriented languages. Programming Languages are based on the syntax. The programming language syntax is the set of rules that determines how the language elements should be written using the programming language. The syntax of a programming language can be defined in two ways:

It is the set of valid sequences of symbols which comprise the language. For example, if we say “3+5” it is a valid sequence of symbols in the English language syntax. It is the set of rules that determine what sequences of symbols are considered valid. This is also known as “well-formedness conditions”.

The syntax of a programming language can be defined in various different ways. We can define programming language syntax either in terms of

A string of characters A parse tree An abstract machine

We will discuss these definitions in detail in this article.

Programming languages can be categorized into three categories:

Imperative Programming Languages

Functional Programming Languages

Object Oriented Programming Languages

The basic difference between these three types of programming languages comes from their use in describing computation. Functional programming languages focus on describing computation without changing state. Imperative programming languages focuses on describing computation by changing state, while Object-Oriented Programming focuses on describing computation by creating objects that interact with each other in some way.

I have learned to program using C++, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Objective C, Swift etc. But I love to learn new things so I am learning new things every day. I have created following websites to share my knowledge with you all to let you know about me and my knowledge.

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