Input Statements | Development | Online Course With Appy Pie Academy

Input Statements

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

Introduction to Programming Languages

Programming languages are the language used by programmers to create programs. It is the communication medium through which a programmer can give instructions to a computer. Programming languages are classified as high-level and low-level languages. High-level languages, such as C++, Java, PHP and other languages are human readable, easy to read and work with other programming languages. Low-level languages, such as Assembly, C and others, are less readable by humans and do not interact well with other programming languages. There are over 1000 programming languages available today, the top ones being Java, Python, C#, JavaScript and PHP. Some of the programming languages that are used in education include Java, C++, Python, Pascal and C#.

I: Introduction

Introduction to Programming Languages

Programming Languages

II: Body

Input Statements

Input statements allow you to input data from a user into a program. The most common input statement is a function called input(). You can use this function to ask a user for data. Some other input statements include the scanf() statement from C, printf() from C++ and scanf_s() from C++. In Java, there are two types of input methods. The first method is the java.util.Scanner class which provides an easy way of reading primitive data types like int and double. The second method is the which is much faster than the first method because it allows you to read multiple lines at once and does not require much memory like the first method does. The last two methods require keyboard interaction and do not use an operating system’s input method. However, they can be more convenient to use for general input purposes since the user can enter data anytime without having to press a specific key on the keyboard to activate keyboard interaction mode. Examples of this include reading simple data like names and ages as well as reading strings such as names and addresses.

Output Statements

Output statements display data on the screen or print it out on paper. Some examples of output statements include cout in C++ and System.out.println() in Java. Output statements usually come after input statements and help the user understand what is going on inside the program and how long it will take to complete the program. Output statements display feedback that helps users understand whether or not their program is working correctly or if they need to change something about it.

III: Conclusion


In conclusion, programming languages are very important to learn because they help us understand how computers work and how we can control them by giving them instructions in a language that they understand. Programming languages also let you create new programs that do things that would be difficult or impossible for people to do by themselves. Without programming languages, computers would just be useless pieces of metal that were too complicated for people to understand on their own.

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