Activity of Getting Rich (Compound Interest)

Activity of Getting Rich (Compound Interest)

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

“Programming languages are the set of tools used to instruct the computer what to do”

I: Body

The body of an article describes the argument presented using evidence, examples, analysis, and other supporting material.

Programming languages are the set of rules used to instruct a computer what to do. It is a set of instructions given for the computer to follow. Computer programming allows us to harness the power of computers to solve complex problems.

Programming Languages are used widely today by computers to process instructions. Without them, computers would not be able to perform the tasks they are used for. Programming languages are particularly useful for large tasks that require a great deal of detail. They help make sure that all of the instructions are followed, and that each instruction is executed correctly, every time. Programming languages also allow for detailed feedback about problem areas in code, which can save time and money when fixing issues later on.

Programming Language is the set of instructions given for the computer to follow. This includes codes, commands, statements, expressions and keywords. The main purpose of any programming language is to instruct the computer to perform certain actions. When writing a program the programmer has to write down the different actions that need to be performed. These actions usually manipulate data or produce output. There are many different types of programming language but all have one thing in common; they are used to instruct a computer what to do.

Programming languages are used widely today by computers to process instructions. Computer programming allows us to harness the power of computers to solve complex problems. Programming languages are particularly useful for large tasks that require a great deal of detail. They help make sure that all of the instructions are followed, and that each instruction is executed correctly, every time. Programming languages also allow for detailed feedback about problem areas in code, which can save time and money when fixing issues later on. Programmers use programming languages as tools for communication because they provide a convenient way to express algorithms, control the flow of execution and describe data structures within programs. It is important to choose the right language because it affects how much effort will be required to write the program and how easy it is to understand and maintain after it has been written. There are thousands of programming languages because there are so many distinct ways in which people want their programs to work and because no single language meets all of these needs.

Programming language is a set of rules used for creating a program which a computer can understand according to a given situation. For example if a user wants a particular input then a particular sequence of characters will be provided by a programmer in order to get this input from a user. In another example if a user wants some output from a program then it can be done through special keywords which can be recognized by a computer and he will understand what output should be provided depending upon particular keyword(s) used in a program by a programmer. In short programming languages are nothing but a set of rules for a computer to follow which can be defined by a programmer himself depending on the conditions which he want his program to follow while working on a computer. There is no restriction on who can define a programming language but general programmers prefer some already existing languages over designing their own new language. But if anyone wants to design his own language then he can do so but he must remember that it will take huge amount of time and effort from him because once he has designed it he will have to implement it on a computer. In short keeping all these factors in mind programmers generally prefer some previously existing programming language rather than inventing their own new language according to the requirement of an application he is going to develop on a computer.

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