Activity of Creating a Phone Directory

Activity of Creating a Phone Directory

Lesson Details:
July 10, 2020

I: Introduction

A: Programing language is a set of rules for creating programs which are used to perform specific tasks. These languages are created because computers do not understand English or any other human language.

II: Body

A: Activity of creating a phone directory

III: Conclusion

A: Using the phone directory to install an application on the phone is like using the programing language to create an application for the computer.

Introduction to Programming Languages

Programming languages are classified into different types; each type fulfilling a specific function. Programming languages can be categorized based on their use, their structural characteristics, and their implementation. The four categories of programming language are:

1. Machine Language

2. Assembly Language

3. High-level Learn More Here

4. Scripting Languages

Machine Language (1)

Machine language is the lowest level programming language that is understood by the computer hardware. It is a set of 1s and 0s that instructs the computer to perform various functions. Machine language is not suitable for writing large programs as it uses complex instructions to execute different functions. Computers have come a long way since the day they were first introduced. As the process of computerization has only just begun, there are countless opportunities for improvement in the field of technology. The rapid developments in this field have resulted in the creation of new programming languages. Such programming languages are designed to help programmers write programs more efficiently and quickly. They help them develop software that can be used on different operating systems without any problem. Thus, it helps eliminate the need to rewrite the programs for different operating systems. Programming languages can be categorized based on their use, their structural characteristics, and their implementation. The four categories of programming language are:

1. Machine Language

2. Assembly Language

3. High-level Languages

4. Scripting Languages

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